Healthcare constitutes one of the major challenges that are facing modern society. Due to demographic and global trends, such as an ageing population, environmental changes and the increasing risk of pandemics, new solutions are needed that can be made available to everyone at affordable costs. Innovation in the medical and healthcare domain will only be possible by the integration of electronic components and systems (ECS) into medical devices, enabling the so-called digitization of healthcare.
The Health.E Lighthouse initiative has identified and analysed thirteen emerging medical domains that can be served by the ECS industry. Innovation in these domains requires the availability of open technology platforms (OTPs) that can be used by all partners in the value chain. The methodology that has been governing the roadmap of microelectronics (“Moore’s Law”) can be used as well for the development of ECS-based devices in emerging medical domains (“Moore for Medical”).
The challenges and opportunities associated with the development of OTPs as enablers for innovation in medical devices have been described and analysed in two white papers:
White Paper 1: Emerging Medical Domains for the ECS Industry
White Paper 2: Open Technology Platforms for Emerging Medical Domains
These white papers can be downloaded from New White Paper announced by Health.E Lighthouse Initiative | KDT JU ( and ECSEL JU Lighthouse Initiative Health.E white paper | KDT JU (
For more information about the KDT JU Lighthouse Initiatives, see Lighthouse Initiatives | KDT JU (